Wordnet TreeWalk
The WordNet TreeWalk package includes an alternative tree-based browser to view the information from the WordNet 3.
The WordNet TreeWalk package includes an alternative tree-based browser to view the information from the WordNet 3.0 database to be found in the standard Princeton release.
WordNet TreeWalk includes the WordNet TreeWalk browser which allows you to navigate through the database thanks to tree views, an in-process COM server which implements the interface to the database, an Active Server Pages support for Web servers and Visual Basic support .
the wordnet wordnet treewalk the database

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Download Wordnet TreeWalk
Authors software
Wordnet TreeWalk
Bernard Bou
The WordNet TreeWalk package includes an alternative tree-based browser to view the information from the WordNet 3.
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Wordnet TreeWalk
Bernard Bou
The WordNet TreeWalk package includes an alternative tree-based browser to view the information from the WordNet 3.
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