Wjjsoft Calculator 1.0
Wjjsoft Calculator is a free and unique calculator program which is based on Expression Parsing and may substitute the default Windows Calculator.
Wjjsoft Calculator is a free and unique calculator program which is based on Expression Parsing and may substitute the default Windows Calculator. Wjjsoft Calculator offers a multiple-line Edit box whereby you can enter your expressions one per line. Results of the expression are shown in the next Edit box.
Within the multiple-line edit box, entering an expression, or clicking on an expression line, and or selecting a portion of an expression immediately updates the Result.
Supported Operators
+, -, *, /, %, ^ , ==, !=, ! , &&, || , , =
Supported Fucntions
sqr, sqrt, abs, ln, log, log10, exp, ceil, floor, pow, pow10, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, rand
Expression Samples
It is simple to use the calculator. Here's a few expression samples for testing.
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55
123 * 3 - 456/24 + 30 / (45/3^2) = 356
if( 68>60, "PASS", "FAIL") = PASS
2*sin(pi/4)*cos(pi/4) = sin(2*pi/4) = 1
pi = 3.1415926536
e = 2.7182818285
min(3,5)*min(2,5)) = 16
edit box expression samples line edit multiple line wjjsoft calculator

Download Wjjsoft Calculator 1.0
Download Wjjsoft Calculator 1.0
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