WISC-III Profile Calculator
WISC-III Profile Calculator is a Windows program that uses generalized distance method to determine if the subtest profile of a single case is multivariately unusual or common in comparison to subtest clusters found in the WISC-III standardization sample.
WISC-III Profile Calculator is a Windows program that uses generalized distance method to determine if the subtest profile of a single case is multivariately unusual or common in comparison to subtest clusters found in the WISC-III standardization sample.
This program applies the syndromic profiles developed on the normative sample of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition (WISC-III) to individual cases.
That data is copyright 1995 by The Psychological Corporation. The comparison of an individual case to the normative taxonomy of the most common subtest profiles allows an empirical test to determine the uniqueness or clinical importance of that individual profile.
Uniqueness is plausible only when it is demonstrated that a child's pattern of subtest scores is atypical of th

Download WISC-III Profile Calculator
Download WISC-III Profile Calculator
Authors software
WISC-III Profile Calculator
Marley Watkins
WISC-III Profile Calculator is a Windows program that uses generalized distance method to determine if the subtest profile of a single case is multivariately unusual or common in comparison to subtest clusters found in the WISC-III standardization sample.
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