TreePad Lite 4.3
TreePad Lite (freeware) is a very intuitive, small yet powerful personal database programs, only 465 Kb in size.
TreePad Lite (freeware) is a very intuitive, small yet powerful personal database programs, only 465 Kb in size. TreePad Lite helps you to store all your notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks, etc. into one or multiple database. With the look and feel of the familiar Windows explorer, editing, storing, browsing, searching and retrieving your data can not be easier!
TreePad can be run directly from a floppy, if necessary, including data. To find any article you previously created or imported, you can browse the tree, in the same way as you browse directories/folders in the Windows explorer. You can also use the internal search engine to find any piece of information swiftly.
TreePad Lite features
Articles and nodesTree editing
Hyperlink support
Multi-language support
Use your harddisk more efficiently
More features
Usage and installation
TreePad is powerful
you can the tree treepad lite nodes articles find any the program search engine internal search your notes drag and using drag and drop can create

Download TreePad Lite 4.3
Authors software
Disktective 6.0
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Custom Addressbook Lite 1.1
Custom Addressbook is an easy to use, small, and extremely flexible Address Management program for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2/XP.
TreePad Asia 4.3
TreePad Asia is a free and easy to use database program, a powerful information organizer, PIM and outline text editor.
Harddisk Search and Stats 2.2
Harddisk Search and Stats is a very useful file and disk searcher utility.
exe-eBook Creator 1.4
exe-eBook creator is an application developed as a freeware ebook compiler for TreePad files.
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TreePad Lite 4.3
TreePad Lite (freeware) is a very intuitive, small yet powerful personal database programs, only 465 Kb in size.
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TreePad Asia 4.3
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Disktective 6.0
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After 5 Web Design
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