Tilt and Wrap Calculator 1.0
Tilt and Wrap Calculator is a free software that helps you to compute compensated prescription of a spherocyllindrical lens for opticians.
Tilt and Wrap Calculator is a free software that helps you to compute compensated prescription of a spherocyllindrical lens for opticians.
I have been working on this for a while now and gave up when I saw that the same calculator was created. Recently a board member here asked for some of the research I had done on the subject and it inspired me to once again pick up the project and finish it off.
Of course if the calculaor did not hav more functionality than what would be the point, so this calculator includes a barcode function, saving and reloading patient data, and printing. Please enjoy.

Download Tilt and Wrap Calculator 1.0
Download Tilt and Wrap Calculator 1.0
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