TickerType 1.0
TickerType is a game that helps you practice your typing skills.
TickerType is a game that helps you practice your typing skills. Each game has five turns and each turn is 30, 60 or 90 seconds long, selectable by the user. Words are chosen at random from a built-in dictionary; the player can choose short (2 - 4 letters), medium (4 - 6 letters) or long (6 - 8 letters).
With the start of each game or turn, the words start marching across the window in tickertape fashion; the player can choose slow, medium or fast speeds. The goal is to type as many of the words as possible before the time runs out; a countdown is provided.
If you type a word correctly before it starts to run off the window, the word disappears and you get ten points plus one point for each letter. The top ten scores are saved. Sound is supported; the player can turn sound on/off. Settings for sound, word length, speed and turn length are saved between sessions.
player can the player are saved the window can choose each game the words

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TickerType 1.0
Custom Solutions of Maryland
TickerType is a game that helps you practice your typing skills.
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