Solar 1.0
Solar is an advanced, secure software protection and licensing system that allows you to protect your program from unauthorized users and provides you with a reliable yet easy to implement licensing system.
Solar is an advanced, secure software protection and licensing system that allows you to protect your program from unauthorized users and provides you with a reliable yet easy to implement licensing system. Solar allows you manage the process of offering trials, providing working copies of your program, managing licenses, and protect against people giving each other copies of your working program to install on their systems?
Further, Solar allows you to authorize each and every copy of your application being run on each of your users PC's. It adds copy protection, software authorization and demo periods (demo period can be based on number of days a user can use the application or number of times a user can use the application) to your software and ensures that your application only runs on PC's that you authorize.
Unlike most methods of software registration, the Unlock Keys are generated based on the computer hardware that the software is being installed on. This means that once your software has been installed, a user cannot copy it to another computer and use it without getting a different Unlock Key from you for that computer. Solar simplifies the process of transferring licenses from one computer to another. For example, if your customers wants to move license from his home computer to say work computer, they do not have to contact you.They can use the transfer functionality built into Solar to do so.
Solar comes with a license management tool called Solar Control Center.
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Authors software
Solar 1.0
Solar is an advanced, secure software protection and licensing system that allows you to protect your program from unauthorized users and provides you with a reliable yet easy to implement licensing system.
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