Socialist Flora and Fauna 1.0.1
Socialist Flora and Fauna is a freeware screensaver which will present you some beautiful pictures of the great and large China, both land and population.
Socialist Flora and Fauna is a freeware screensaver which will present you some beautiful pictures of the great and large China, both land and population.
China is a cultural zone and old civilization in the Eastern side of Asia.
With this ancient history on its back, China developed to be one of the greatest economies of the world with many expansion markets and future tehnologies.
In China exists the world's oldest written language system. China is the land of the four great inventions:
Buddhism and Taoism are the main religious beliefs in China; people also rule their lifes after the Confucian morality.

Download Socialist Flora and Fauna 1.0.1
Download Socialist Flora and Fauna 1.0.1
Authors software
Socialist Flora and Fauna 1.0.1
Socialist Flora and Fauna is a freeware screensaver which will present you some beautiful pictures of the great and large China, both land and population.
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