Sequence Analysis 1.6
Sequence Analysis is a collage of coding projects which I have written over the past several years for various clients in my work as a bioinformatics consultant.
Sequence Analysis is a collage of coding projects which I have written over the past several years for various clients in my work as a bioinformatics consultant. These clients have graciously allowed me to release these works into the public domain as freeware for Macintosh OS X in order to promote the platform and to encourage migration from Classic.
Sequence Analysis is a software that allows you create and analyze protein.
The upper window panel can hold several sequences, which are both editable and selectable. The tabs in the lower analysis panel try to keep up with the current sequence selection to provide immediate feedback. The selection is used in some modules as only the portion being analyzed for other modules i.e. Digest is used to determine if enzymes cut in the in or outside of the selection.
Most commonly available sequence formats have been reverse engineered. You can also access a sequences from the NCBI via its GID or UID. This currently cannot be done from behind a firewall.
selection sequence analysis

Download Sequence Analysis 1.6
Download Sequence Analysis 1.6
Authors software
Sequence Analysis 1.6
Will Gilbert
Sequence Analysis is a collage of coding projects which I have written over the past several years for various clients in my work as a bioinformatics consultant.
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Will Gilbert
Sequence Analysis is a collage of coding projects which I have written over the past several years for various clients in my work as a bioinformatics consultant.
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