Process Modules 1.0
Process Modules is a useful utility that will display the loaded modules in a process.
Process Modules is a useful utility that will display the loaded modules in a process. It also gives the option to load and unload modules from a process. This tool could be used to manually remove malware.
Process Modules features

Download Process Modules 1.0
Authors software
Debug Tray 1.4
AW Solutions
Debug Tray is a small utility for developers, it will show various information
about a selected process.
Quick Tool 1.1
AW Solutions
Quick Tool is a useful and simple menu system that allows you to create your own menus for quick access to your favourite tools.
Extra Desk Basic 1.0
AW Solutions
Extra Desk Basic is a free and useful program that allows you to have up to 3 extra desktops interchangeable via the tray menu.
My Alarm 1.0
AW Solutions
My Alarm is a free , useful, quick and simple way to run programs or play music at a set time, day or date.
Password Dynamo 1.0
AW Solutions
Password Dynamo is a free and little password generator utility.
Similar software
Process Modules 1.0
AW Solutions
Process Modules is a useful utility that will display the loaded modules in a process.
ProcX 1.0
Ghost Secutity
ProcX displays all running processes and modules on your systems.
Advanced Process Manipulation 1.1
Diamond Computer Systems
DiamondCS Advanced Process Manipulation (APM) is an advanced process/module viewer and manipulation utility that allows unique control over target processes by literally becoming a part of them.
CurrProcess 1.13
Nir Sofer
CurrProcess utility displays the list of all processes currently running on your system.
PEditor 1.7
PEditor is a tool for PE (Portable Executable) files.
Dependency Walker 2.1.3623
Steve P. Miller
Dependency Walker is a free application that will scan any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (ocx, dll, exe, sys, etc.
Computer Technology, Inc.
PrcView is a process viewer utility that displays detailed information about processes running under Windows.
myProcMan 1.1
Turkish Security Network
myProcMan is an interactive, user friendly process manager for Windows.
Perl Module Manager
Perl Module Manager helps you to install, un-install and manage Perl modules from a CPAN site and other sources in an easy and intuitive way.
MalWhere 1.12
Ran Geva
What is MalWhere?
Does your computer run slow or crash from time to time? If so then there might be a malicious process running on your system without you knowing about it.
Other software in this category
Nullsoft Beep 0.3
Nullsoft, Inc
Nullsoft Beep is an application that makes your computer sound like computers sound in the movies.
AR Soft RAM Disk 1.20
AR Soft
The AR RAM Disk is a freeware driver for Windows NT or Windows 2000.
DBX Plugin for Windows Commander Beta
DBX Plugin is an additional component for Windows Commander allowing you to read contents of Microsoft Outlook Express files.
4th split
Sergey S. Tkachenko
4th split is used for splitting impossibly large files on blocks.
HDCopy 2.104
Kurt Zimmermann
HDCopy is recommended to make a boot disk.