NCD Command Tool for dos 1.0
The NCD.
The NCD.EXE allows you to control NCD products directly from a command line interface in DOS.
NCD.EXE does NOT require 3rd party tools or components, as it speaks directly to DOS.
With NCD.EXE, you may test and control an NCD device directly without programming. It can also be used in a batch file to do complex jobs or called in your own program.
NCD.EXE is a free distribution for use ONLY with NCD products.
NCD.EXE does not currently support NCD Graphic Display devices.
Suported devices:
ncd exe with ncd does not exe does ncd products

Download NCD Command Tool for dos 1.0
Download NCD Command Tool for dos 1.0
Authors software
NCD Command Tool for dos 1.0
National Control Devices
The NCD.
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