Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis 1.00
Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis is a standalone Windows program that computes Parallel Analysis criteria (eigenvalues) by performing a Monte Carlo simulation.
Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis is a standalone Windows program that computes Parallel Analysis criteria (eigenvalues) by performing a Monte Carlo simulation. The user can specify 50-2500 subjects, 3-300 variables and 1-1000 replications.
Select the number of variables (3-300), subjects (100-2500), and replications (1-1000). The program then: (1) generates random normal numbers for the quantity of variables and subjects selected, (2) computes the correlation matrix, (3) performs Principal Components Analyses and calculates the eigenvalues for those variables, (4) repeats the process as many times as specified in the replications field, and (5) calculates the average and standard deviation of the eigenvalues across all replications.
the eigenvalues calculates the variables and parallel analysis monte carlo

Download Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis 1.00
Download Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis 1.00
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