Mastery Pro 1.4.6
Mastery Pro is a free, new and unique educational software designed to teach students to master specific educational goals.
Mastery Pro is a free, new and unique educational software designed to teach students to master specific educational goals. These students come in a variety:
The teacher/student relationship could be the traditional relationship of a teacher in a classroom with a number of students.
This relationship could also be parent/child relationship, with the parent assigning tests to each of their children.
This could also be a employer/employee relationship, such as a sales manager assigning tests to their sales reps in order to strengthen the reps knowledge of their particular industry.
And finally, a Mastery Pro student could simply be a single user, attempting to learn a particular area of interest, such as an individual studying for a Real Estate Exam.
Although the Teacher's Assistant will allow teacher's to build there own tests, Mad Dog Software LLC provides hundreds of pre-built tests on a number of subjects at a reasonable price to download. These tests are built by experts in their individual fields, and new tests are being added all the time.
Mastery Pro features
mastery pro the program the student the system tests are assigning tests the teacher relationship could could also

Download Mastery Pro 1.4.6
Authors software
Mastery Pro 1.4.6
Mad Dog Software
Mastery Pro is a free, new and unique educational software designed to teach students to master specific educational goals.
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Mad Dog Software
Mastery Pro is a free, new and unique educational software designed to teach students to master specific educational goals.
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