MacVolumes 1
MacVolumes is a Windows tool to analyze Macintosh files signatures stored in Macintosh volumes index on Windows NT 4.
MacVolumes is a Windows tool to analyze Macintosh files signatures stored in Macintosh volumes index on Windows NT 4.0 or 2000.
The report status lets you detect a need of reorganization to maintain good performances.
MacVolumes features
macintosh volumes volumes index files signatures macintosh files

Download MacVolumes 1
Authors software
MacVolumes 1
Soft Experience
MacVolumes is a Windows tool to analyze Macintosh files signatures stored in Macintosh volumes index on Windows NT 4.
MacInfoTip 1.13
Soft Experience
MacInfoTip is a freeware Windows shell extension utility used to display Macintosh files info in tooltips of your Windows Explorer (the yellow balloons that pop up over a file) each time you browse folder content.
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