Mactracker 4.0.2
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple, Motorola, PowerComputing, and UMAX Mac OS computer ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards, supported Mac OS versions, and expansion options.
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple, Motorola, PowerComputing, and UMAX Mac OS computer ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards, supported Mac OS versions, and expansion options.
Also included is information on Apple mice, keyboards, displays, printers, scanners, digital cameras, iPod, AirPort Base Stations, Newtons, and Mac OS versions.
Smart Categories + Smarter Searching
Mactracker 4 gives you the ability create your own categories by selecting a specification item such as processor type, date introduced or your color label. In addition, a new search engine searches the entire database (including your comments) in one stroke and allows you to sort the results by model category or specification in a Spotlight-inspired view.
Make a note of it...
Each of the info windows has a Notes tab that allows you to add your own comments as well as links to Internet addresses, files, and folders that relate to the selected model.
Icons, Images and History
Beautiful 64 x 64 pixel icons have been included courtesy of widget : widget, The Iconfactory, and Bartelme Design in all info windows save Mac OS and Macintosh Clones. Each of the info windows also contains an image and a description courtesy of The Apple Museum,, or Wikipedia.
Mactracker has been included on CDs accompanying these great magazines; MacAddict, MacUser UK, Macworld UK, MacPeople Magazine (Japan), Mac Fan (Japan), comIonline (Germany), Australian Personal Computer, and RAM (Greece). It has also been featured on the (former) TechTV show, The Screen Savers, on several occasions.
info windows images and been included the info allows you your own

Download Mactracker 4.0.2
Authors software
Mactracker 4.0.2
Ian Page
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple, Motorola, PowerComputing, and UMAX Mac OS computer ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards, supported Mac OS versions, and expansion options.
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Ian Page
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple, Motorola, PowerComputing, and UMAX Mac OS computer ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards, supported Mac OS versions, and expansion options.
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