LogonUI Boot Randomizer 3.9.60
LogonUI Boot RandomizerIt's a Logon and Boot screens manager for WinXP (based on an idea by M.
LogonUI Boot RandomizerIt's a Logon and Boot screens manager for WinXP (based on an idea by M. Deepak)
Program is designed to interact as little as possible with the user. If you set randomizing to main (base) folder (see How it works), every time you download a new boot/screen folder and put it where you want, there is no need to run the program again. It will include the new screen automatically. Also, if you exclude a category (folder) from randomize (see A Note for Exclude), in order to exclude screens from randomize them, when you download a new one and put it there, there is no need to run the program and update the exclude with the new screen. Program it will excluded automatically.
LogonUI Boot Randomizer features
In order to load pictures faster at THUMBNAILS preview, program after detect NEW zip files, will prompt you to search the zip files for pictures. After searching, will extract the picture (if any) and save it to disk under the name ".zip.jpg". The real format of the picture can be jpg/gif/tiff/png/bmp but after extraction the extension ALWAYS be .jpg
boot screens you can the program boot screen the logon zip files logon and and boot support for randomize them jpg gif gif tiff screen and

Download LogonUI Boot Randomizer 3.9.60
Download LogonUI Boot Randomizer 3.9.60
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LogonUI Boot Randomizer 3.9.60
LogonUI Boot RandomizerIt's a Logon and Boot screens manager for WinXP (based on an idea by M.
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LogonUI Boot Randomizer 3.9.60
LogonUI Boot RandomizerIt's a Logon and Boot screens manager for WinXP (based on an idea by M.
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