JDrill 1.0
JDrill is a free and useful program for multiple-choice testing in the Japanese Katakana and Hiragana scripts.
JDrill is a free and useful program for multiple-choice testing in the Japanese Katakana and Hiragana scripts. Katakana and Hiragana are phonetic; in each of these two scripts, each character represents a sound, just like with Roman characters. Katakana's 50 characters are typically used for writing words borrowed from other languages, such as from English or German or French. Hiragana's 50 characters are used for writing native Japanese words that are not easily written using Kanji, whose 1,950 official characters (and 1,000 unofficial characters) each represent not a sound but a concept. JDrill does not do Kanji testing.
JDrill presents test-questions to the user (in English) and grades him when the test is complete. This screen shot shows an example of a test in progress. The user answered this question wrong, and the program is showing him what the right answer was.
for writing the user used for characters are and hiragana katakana and

Download JDrill 1.0
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