INF-Tool Lite 6.3d

INF-Tool Lite 6.3d Screenshot INF-Tool Lite is a free alternative to huge, complicated and expensive installation creators.

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Price:  0.00
License:   Freeware
File size:   0K
OS:   Windows Vista (?)
Rating:   0 /5 (0 votes)

INF-Tool Lite is a free alternative to huge, complicated and expensive installation creators. INF-Tool Lite is a setup program which creates today's SMALLEST setup packages possible.

Great especially for Internet or common network distribution since it saves download times drastically. It also supports Windows internal INF setup feature which gives it enourmous power and flexibility - but without having to learn any scripting language.

Integrated support for 6 various distribution methods as strongest CAB(inet) compression, ZIP compression, self-extracting "Single EXE" distribution, disk-spanning (allows safer downloads via splitted packages or multi-disk distribution) and others. Comes with support for 26 languages!

tags support for  tool lite  inf tool  

INF-Tool Lite 6.3d screenshot

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Authors software

INF-Tool Lite 6.3d INF-Tool Lite 6.3d

INF-Tool Lite is a free alternative to huge, complicated and expensive installation creators.

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