Hardware Access Console 1.0
Hardware Access Console is a free and useful software that allows you to have a direct access to some hardware devices and functions under Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP operating systems.
Hardware Access Console is a free and useful software that allows you to have a direct access to some hardware devices and functions under Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP operating systems. The program interface is in console mode and will be more easy to use for all the people experienced in use the famous "debug.exe" software distributed with each version of MS-DOS.
Physical Memory Address
The program can access to any physical memory location under the 32 bit memory space. You can have a memory dump showed in the console or saved in a file in text or binary mode. The program can also read or write to any physical memory address in byte, word or double word mode.
PCI Devices Registry Space
At program startup the software make a scanning of all PCI devices available in the system. To each device found is assigned an identification number used as reference for all the operations of read/write. You can show a detailed list of the PCI devices (with additional informations like VendorID, DeviceID and so on) and read or write the PCI registers contained in the 255 bytes PCI space. The read or write operation can be in byte, word or double word mode. Like memory function is possible to have a PCI memory dump showed in the console or saved in a file in text or binary mode.
Direct Input and Output operations
With a simply “debug like” syntax you can make input or output operations to every system port. Like all the other commands the data format of the operation could be in byte, word or double word mode. For the special operation called “registry indexed mode” (one port is used for set the registry to modify and the next is used to read or write the register data) has been added a special command for make this operation as fast as possible.
byte word pci devices you can the program physical memory double word all the word mode the pci output operations write the dump showed memory address

Download Hardware Access Console 1.0
Download Hardware Access Console 1.0
Authors software
Hardware Access Console 1.0
Hardware Access Console is a free and useful software that allows you to have a direct access to some hardware devices and functions under Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP operating systems.
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