Foucault Test Analysis 2.0B
Foucault Test Analysis is an application for the evaluation of the readings taken in the Foucault test.
Foucault Test Analysis is an application for the evaluation of the readings taken in the Foucault test. Besides the foucault-test the program supports the lateral wire test as well as the caustic test.
Foucault Test Analysis calculates the Waveerror P/V, as well as the RMS and Strehl-ratio on the basis of the longitudinal and/or lateral measurements. The waveerror-profile-diagram tells you which mirror-zones needs further correction. For getting an impression about the validity of your own measurements the program offers the Monte Carlo analysis.
Additionally the program simulates the shade pictures on the basis of your own readings. For viewing the shade pictures you can choose between the classical knife edge, the Ronchi grating or a thin wire (wire test).
Additionally the test-masks (couder-mask, pin-stick, hole mask for caustic testing) can be simulated, too. With this feature you can try to reproduce your own readings.
The mirror data can be loaded, modified and saved at any time. In order to track the state of mirror correction, the readings can be stored in a logfile.
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Download Foucault Test Analysis 2.0B
Authors software
Foucault Test Analysis 2.0B
Andreas Reifke
Foucault Test Analysis is an application for the evaluation of the readings taken in the Foucault test.
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