FirstCap 4.0 beta 1
FirstCap is a small, free and very handy program which reliably warns keyboard users if they accidentally activate the Caps Lock or Num Lock key.
FirstCap is a small, free and very handy program which reliably warns keyboard users if they accidentally activate the Caps Lock or Num Lock key. In such a case, the user is alerted by a sound signal.
The program contains a sophisticated key pression intercept engine and is able to help users with many useful features. It can disable Caps Lock/Num Lock or Insert keyboard functions, turn off Caps Lock status as a consequence of various keystroke combinations and customize the status of the Caps Lock and Num Lock in connection with specific programs. FirstCap was developed mainly for Word Processing and similar programs. If you don't see the utility of this program probably don't need it.
Here are some key features of "FirstCap":
caps lock num lock lock and keystroke combinations disable caps the caps lock num

Download FirstCap 4.0 beta 1
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FirstCap 4.0 beta 1
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