English2metric 1.0
English2metric is a unit converter designed especially for non-technical users.
English2metric is a unit converter designed especially for non-technical users. The program can convert between any pair of units used in everyday life.
Such features as special design, auto complete and the ability to choose visible units make the speed of all conversions lightning fast.
In most cases, you need to type just the first letter of the unit. Whether you are a tourist, an immigrant, a chef, or anybody else, you will find English2metric very useful.
English2metric features
english2metric you you want you are you ever have you you can click anywhere the result see the feet inches animated help what you cases you

Download English2metric 1.0
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English2metric 1.0
Maksim Sosnovskiy
English2metric is a unit converter designed especially for non-technical users.
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