DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator
DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator software will help you build your track.
DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator software will help you build your track.
Choose a lane (#1), and count the number of each track piece you drive on, noting on curves whether it's the inside or outside lane.
Enter in the numbers. The calculator will work out the length of your lane, and the length of the other lane, #2. Simple as that.
If you disagree with any of the lengths of the track pieces, you could change t

Download DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator
Download DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator
Authors software
DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator
DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator software will help you build your track.
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DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator
DriveArchive Scalextric Track Length Calculator software will help you build your track.
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