dP Pressure Drop Calculator 1.5 Rev0
dP (Delta P) is a small application that will help you in Pressure Drop Calculations for pipe work.
dP (Delta P) is a small application that will help you in Pressure Drop Calculations for pipe work.
Related parameters such as Reynolds, fluid velocity, average residence time, etcetera are presented. The Pressure Drop calculation takes into account other components as well.
It requests the user for input about bends, elbows and other appendages/equipment components, which induce extra pressure loss. The program represents the total resistance in terms of equivalent pipe length values.

Download dP Pressure Drop Calculator 1.5 Rev0
Download dP Pressure Drop Calculator 1.5 Rev0
Authors software
dP Pressure Drop Calculator 1.5 Rev0
Martin Kosterm
dP (Delta P) is a small application that will help you in Pressure Drop Calculations for pipe work.
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