Dale's Converter 1.1
Metric to Imperial Converter is a small converting program which converts metric units to imperial units and imperial units to metric units.
Metric to Imperial Converter is a small converting program which converts metric units to imperial units and imperial units to metric units. It has 24 different types of methods which are:
Metric to Imperial
millimetres -> inches
centimetres -> inches
metres -> feet
metres -> yards
kilometres -> statute miles
kilometres -> nautical miles
square centimetres -> square inches
square metres -> square feet
square metres -> square yards
hectares -> acres
square kilometres -> square miles
cubic centimetres -> cubic inches
cubic metres -> cubic feet
cubic metres -> cubic yards
litres -> UK fluid ounces
litres -> US fluid ounces
litres -> UK pints
litres -> US pints
litres -> UK gallons
litres -> US gallons
grams -> ounces (avoirdupois)
grams -> ounces (troy)
kilograms -> pounds
tonnes -> tons (long)
- Imperial to Metric
inches -> millimetres
inches -> centimetres
feet -> metres
yards -> metres
statute miles -> kilometres
nautical miles -> kilometres
square inches -> square centimetres
square feet -> square metres
square yards -> square metres
acres -> hectares
square miles -> square kilometres
cubic inches -> cubic centimetres
cubic feet -> cubic metres
cubic yards -> cubic metres
UK fluid ounces -> litres
US fluid ounces -> litres
UK pints -> litres
US pints -> litres
UK gallons -> litres
US gallons -> litres
ounces (avoirdupois) -> grams
ounces (troy) -> grams
pounds -> kilograms
tons (long) -> tonnes
- Temperature
celsius -> fahrenheit
celsius -> kelvin
celsius -> rankine
celsius -> réaumur
celsius -> newton
celsius -> rømer
celsius -> delisle
fahrenheit -> celsius
fahrenheit -> kelvin
fahrenheit -> rankine
fahrenheit -> réaumur
fahrenheit -> newton
fahrenheit -> rømer
fahrenheit -> delisle
kelvin -> celsius
kelvin -> fahrenheit
kelvin -> rankine
kelvin -> réaumur
kelvin -> newton
kelvin -> rømer
kelvin -> delisle
rankine -> celsius
rankine -> fahrenheit
rankine -> kelvin
rankine -> réaumur
rankine -> newton
rankine -> rømer
rankine -> delisle
réaumur -> celsius
réaumur -> fahrenheit
réaumur -> kelvin
réaumur -> rankine
réaumur -> newton
réaumur -> rømer
réaumur -> delisle
delisle -> celsius
delisle -> fahrenheit
delisle -> kelvin
delisle -> rankine
delisle -> réaumur
delisle -> newton
delisle -> rømer
fluid ounces cubic metres square metres ounces litres pints litres metres square metres cubic grams ounces gallons litres miles kilometres fahrenheit kelvin delisle fahrenheit kelvin fahrenheit

Download Dale's Converter 1.1
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