Copy2Clip 1.0.7
Copy2Clip enables you to copy file names to clipboard from Windows Explorer, by simply selecting one or more files, and selecting Copy2Clip from the right click menu.
Copy2Clip enables you to copy file names to clipboard from Windows Explorer, by simply selecting one or more files, and selecting Copy2Clip from the right click menu.
Copy2Clip can copy the file names in a variety of different patterns, using the full name with path, just the name, file names with sizes and more.
The copied names can also be sorted by size or time, and you can create your own patterns using the provided variables.
Copy2Clip can be very useful for creating batch files or to quickly convert file information into specific formats.
file names using the copy2clip can patterns using

Download Copy2Clip 1.0.7
Authors software
Copy2Clip 1.0.7
Davide Ficano
Copy2Clip enables you to copy file names to clipboard from Windows Explorer, by simply selecting one or more files, and selecting Copy2Clip from the right click menu.
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