Binary Sum 1.0
Binary Sum is a small tool for programmers which lists all the powers of 2 that add up to make any particular number

Download Binary Sum 1.0
Authors software
Chime Away! 1.0.1
Chime Softwares Ltd
Chime Away! is a tiny program that automatically downloads and sets new away messages for Aol Instant Messenger every minute.
Binary Sum 1.0
Chime Softwares Ltd
Net Alive 1.0
Chime Softwares Ltd
NetAlive is a tiny application that simply connects to another computer running NetAlive and maintains a direct uninterrupted connection
To connect, start NetAlive on your PC and ask a friend to run NetAlive on his PC too.
Hind 2000 1.0
Chime Softwares Ltd
Hind 2 is a feature-rich email client that lets you send and receive emails in three languages: English, Gujarati and Hindi!
The easiest part is that to type words in Hindi / Gujarati, just spell them out phonetically, the same way that the names of Hindi Films are written in English : MAINE PYAAR KIYA, DIL TO PAAGAL HAI, JAB JAB PHOOL KHILE.
Scrabble Aide 1.0
Chime Softwares Ltd
Scrabble Aide is a powerful utility that will aide you in making words for scrabble, solving Jumbles and Crosswords.
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Binary Sum 1.0
Chime Softwares Ltd
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Grzegorz Wróbel
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Richard Wakelin
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Free Number Base Converter 2.0
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TrID 1.56
Marco Pontello
Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know what application can handle a file? Maybe because it's without any extensions, or it just doesn't make sense? This tool can help!
TrID is a utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures.
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