4th split
4th split is used for splitting impossibly large files on blocks.
4th split is used for splitting impossibly large files on blocks.
Key moment of the program: five modes of splitting of files (Default, compatible with version 1.0, DOS-compatible splitting, WinSplit-compatible splitting, self-uniting blocks), possibility to divide the file is direct on diskettes and also them to unite from blocks, possibility to set additional information in the spllited file, full restoring of the information about the file before splitting after a uniting from blocks.
4th split creates a distributive package for downloading from websites of large files without having at the end user programs for loading large files. Possiblity of working from command line.
Key moment of an user interface: minimum sizes (optimized for 640x480), easy files manipulating (renaming, deleting, change of attributes, moving, copying), possibility to have the list of the favorite folders for acceleration of navigation between folders, Windows Explorer style of search of files, possibility to minimize application when modal windows opened. Work from command line is allowed.
Award-winning tool for splitting impossibly large files on blocks. You can split file into any number of blocks up to 1000 blocks. 4th split stored all information about source file in first block.
4th split allows to restore full information about file after joining (uniting) blocks on target computer. Following information stored in first block: number of blocks, size of file (for verification), extension, attributes, date/time of created, modified, opened. 4th split also have full support for WinSplit.
4th split large files information about first block from blocks blocks 4th from command the file command line uniting blocks splitting impossibly for splitting impossibly large

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Authors software
4th split
Sergey S. Tkachenko
4th split is used for splitting impossibly large files on blocks.
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