XP-Spider 0.6.05
XP-Spider has all the preformance tweaks you`ll ever need for Windows XP.
XP-Spider has all the preformance tweaks you`ll ever need for Windows XP.From Prefetcher modes, large system cache, to all the supported Windows XP services, com+ management, user, drive, preformance managements and much more...
With hidden extras like MP3 Support in Media Player, copy and move to menu items in explorer, A Disk Clean wizard that can clear up to 600MB in disk space... The application isn`t finished yet, so much more features will come...

Download XP-Spider 0.6.05
Authors software
XP-Spider 0.6.05
Kevin Chabot
XP-Spider has all the preformance tweaks you`ll ever need for Windows XP.
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