linux swap freeware downloads

Search results for «linux swap»:

Swap Machine Swap Machine
… lorer.exe" Ctrl-Alt-Z: Maximize or restore foreground window Ctrl-Alt-+: Change screen resolution Ctrl-Alt-C: Calculator Ctrl-Alt-X: Command line Ctrl-Alt-P: Microsoft Paint Ctrl-W: Copy word under cursor Middle click: paste under mouse… 

Ext2Fsd 0.31a Ext2Fsd 0.31a
… t's the thing to do next step. If you really need very heave writing i/O jobs, I strongly recommend you to create an ext2 partition as a swap between windows and linux systems.… 

Practical UNIX/Linux 2007 Practical UNIX/Linux 2007
… ch all aspects of UNIX/Linux. I made it my goal to cover them all. You can literally take this guide, read it in minutes and start working on any UNIX/Linux system. Sof… 

MemSpy 3.9 build 5.15 MemSpy 3.9 build 5.15
… Is a small memory spy, wich can report: - Free RAM - Free RAM % - Loaded RAM % - Free SWAP - Total SWAP - CPU(s) Usage - Windows Uptime It's very small and usefull.… 

Home Exchange Toolbar 2.0 Home Exchange Toolbar 2.0
…  on hotels and restaurants as well as to feel local culture from the inside. Safety and friendly travelling can be achieved by getting to know more about your exchange partners and signing an exchange agreement. Requirements 200 Kb disk space… 

Partition Logic 0.67 Partition Logic 0.67
… pport for USB keyboards and mice. Currently supports only PS/2 keyboards and mice No hardware support for PCMCIA These limitations are intended to be fixed in future releases.… 

Mean Swapper 1.0 Mean Swapper 1.0
… in the correct order when the program is killed. Try swapping the buttons in ControlPanel/Mouse. If that doesn't work: run regedit, click down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Mouse and change the value for SwapMouseButtons (1 to 0 or 0 to 1).… 

R-Linux 1.0 Data Recovery Utility R-Linux 1.0 Data Recovery Utility
… lar drive. Recognition and parsing of Dynamic (Windows 2000/XP), Basic and BSD (UNIX) partitions layout schema. Localized names support. Recovered files can be saved on any (including network) disks accessible by the host operating system. RLi… 

Cool Beans System Info 2 Cool Beans System Info 2
…  and enhanced visual effects. Features : - Displays CPU, physical memory, and swap file usage - Dual processor support - Fully functional task manager, showing running tasks, processes, and threads - Network monitoring - Network stopwat… 

MemUse 0.4 MemUse 0.4
… MemUse features Tiny executable. Shows Memory Information (Physical and Virtual) Stay On Top option. (System Menu) Windows XP Theme support. Shows Physical and Virtual percentage values in the title of the window. Can show memory usage in KB.… 
