IntelliEdit 1.0
IntelliEdit is a Rich Text Editor that has smart autocompletion and will autocomplete words, phrases and will auto-expand shorthands.
IntelliEdit is a Rich Text Editor that has smart autocompletion and will autocomplete words, phrases and will auto-expand shorthands.
The program can even learn new words and phrase while typing. IntelliEdit can tremendously boost your typing speed.
IntelliEdit is based on a tab-page MDI interface. You can create, edit and print multiple RTF documents conveniently in IntelliEdit. IntelliEdit is slim in size and quick to load.
IntelliEdit features
active document the active selected text toggle visibility smart autocompletion the selected bar toggle tab bar flashpeak website online forum visit flashpeak status bar text into

Download IntelliEdit 1.0
Authors software
IntelliEdit 1.0
IntelliEdit is a Rich Text Editor that has smart autocompletion and will autocomplete words, phrases and will auto-expand shorthands.
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