Field2Base Forms Designer 4.0.5
The Forms Designer tool was developed to allow the client to create electronic versions of paper forms.
The Forms Designer tool was developed to allow the client to create electronic versions of paper forms.
Forms are designed by bringing an electronic image of any existing paper form into the Forms Designer software running on any desktop computer, and then adding characteristics for each field.
This includes fields for printed text, numeric input, alpha-numeric input, and calculated fields. Forms Designer includes form publishing functionality that allows the electronic forms to be pushed out to the Tablet PCs, via the Field2Base server.
Users who have basic computer skills with MS Word and MS Excel can easily use Forms Designer to turn their paper forms into “smart forms” that take full advantage of the handwriting recognition capability of the Tablets.
Forms Designer also provides tools to enable the integration of form data captured in the field in Forms2Base to be integrated into back office database systems.
The Forms designer software allows the designer to specifiy the database columns for which form data needs to be mapped. Additionally, it will allow you to create label regions used to interface with the back end systems.
Digital form data can be interfaced to back office systems through one of three standard methods, as an attachment to an email, as data to an FTP site or as standard XML via web service.
Field2Base Forms Designer features
forms designer the forms form data back office drop down down lists allows the functions for each field paper forms forms are designer software for each

Download Field2Base Forms Designer 4.0.5
Download Field2Base Forms Designer 4.0.5
Authors software
Field2Base Forms Designer 4.0.5
Field2Base Inc
The Forms Designer tool was developed to allow the client to create electronic versions of paper forms.
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Field2Base Inc
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