Flash Switcher 0.2.1
Flash Switcher is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that will enable you to switch between various flash plugins or remove current plugin.
Flash Switcher is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that will enable you to switch between various flash plugins or remove current plugin. It is installed in the statusbar of your browser. when you click on it a popup menu appears showing different options: which flash player version to install (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) or if you want to remove the currently installed one

Download Flash Switcher 0.2.1
Authors software
Flash Switcher 0.2.1
Alessandro Crugnola
Flash Switcher is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that will enable you to switch between various flash plugins or remove current plugin.
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Alessandro Crugnola
Flash Switcher is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that will enable you to switch between various flash plugins or remove current plugin.
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