unicode plain freeware downloads

Search results for «unicode plain»:

Haxial TextEdit 1.7 Haxial TextEdit 1.7
… xt. Find and Replace features. Can count the number of occurrences of a piece of text in a file. Can alphabetically sort lines of text. "Favorites" menu allows quick access to your favorite documents. Rename a document from within TextEdit.… 

Plain Text to Link Plain Text to Link
… lected in internet without everytime save a web page. You can open all the links that are written in the way h**p://www.example.com where in spite of * you can use more or less any other character. You can specify a default open action and a defau… 

RJ TextEd 3.90 RJ TextEd 3.90
… e. Format/repair you html document. Several options are available e.g. word wrap, indention. The editor has an FTP client in the tab "Publish Web" to help you manage you home site.… 

Unicode Image Maker 1.13.01 Unicode Image Maker 1.13.01
… mage Maker can be used to create a graphics image of your unicode text and embed the image instead Supports transparency and embeds the richtext within the image for later editing. Supports seamless integration with the Screenshot Captor program… 

Ansi2Uni 1.4 Ansi2Uni 1.4
… Ansi2Uni can convert multiple files to any unicode (utf-7, utf-8, unicode big-endian, unicode little-endian) from any numeric ansi codepage Requirements .NET Framework… 

Adhiyan 2.0.1 Adhiyan 2.0.1
… se "Options" to configure Hot keys as per your wish In next coming versions, Adhiyan will support: 1) Auto conversion based on URL list 2) More Tamil fonts to UNICODE conversion Requirements Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.* / Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*… 

Solway's Plain Backup 1.72 Solway's Plain Backup 1.72
…  Customize the program to your needs. Allows you to backup whole folders/directories, or individual files, or files matching a search pattern. Organizes yourbackup tasks into groups to keep you on top of what would otherwise be a complicated job.… 

Strings 2.21 Strings 2.21
… II only -u Scan for UNICODE only -n X Strings must be a minimum of X characters in length. To search one or more files for the presence of a particular string using strings use a command like this: strings * | findstr /i TextToSearchFor… 

Plain View 1.0 Plain View 1.0
…  have now been removed and developed into a seperate utility. Plain View features Drop-down folder browser Select file to load from list Display text in viewer Show or hide browser pane Read-only for safe viewing Quick and easy to use… 

IncrediMail to EML Converter 1.0 IncrediMail to EML Converter 1.0
… .imm -- the .imh file is a index-file to .imm where the messages are stored. Attachments are stored in separate files, this application inserts these messages (if found) and either decodes them as base64 (binary files) or as they are (plain text).… 
